Soviet Stereoscopic Cinema
Verwendung unbekannt
SIB Photoservice Moscow, Agentur
Fotografie aus John Heartfields Sammlung von Recherche- und Montagematerial
Verso in Schreibmaschine:
"Soviet Stereoscopic Cinema / 4. Dmitri Surensky, head camera- / man of the stereoscopic Cinema / Studio is shown here examining a / filming camera with a stereoscopic / mirror attachement which he has / re-designed. Surensky has filmed / the first stereoscopic productions / "A Concert," "On the Trail of the / Enemy" and "Robinson Crusoe." the / filming apparatuses at the stereo-/ scopic Cinema Studio have been / re-designed under his guidance for / use of the new film / Photo by Y. Berliner / No. 57645"
SIB Photoservice / MOSCOW"
in Bleistift und rot:
"Jonathan Cope Ltd / No. 12 / 17.11.47"